Appropriate Appropriate in the feeling so it’s like a personality thing, it’s a core idea and the feeling of it. For example, if it is in sport maybe it’s bold…
Appropriate Appropriate in the feeling so it’s like a personality thing, it’s a core idea and the feeling of it. For example, if it is in sport maybe it’s bold…
第一种方法:Ctrl/Command+shift+U 去色 这种方法最简单,但是没有质感 第二种方法: Ctrl/Command+alt+2 调取高光 Ctrl/Command+J 复制高光选区,混合模式改为“滤色” 按住Ctrl/Command+点击新复制的高光图层,载入高光 Ctrl/Command+shift+I 反选 点原图Ctrl/Command+J 复制图层,混合模式改为“正片叠底” Ctrl/Command+shift+alt+E 盖印图层 Ctrl/Command+shift+U 去色